CKD & Rare Disease Network

CKD and rare disease clinical trials have a number of roadblocks in traditional clinical trials. With 85% of these clinical trials experiencing delays and enrollment timelines doubling the planned timelines, decentralized clinical trials offer solutions. Not only have decentralized clinical trials been shown to help trial sites achieve enrollment goals, but they have also been able to improve the access to research trials for those with rare diseases.

Could your study fit our decentralized model?

  • Rare or Complex Conditions: IgAN, FSGS, Cystinosis, lupus nephritis, Fabry disease, aHUS, and more

  • Diversity: Leveraging DCT trials effectively can help diversify the patient population and meet patients where they are

  • Cost and Efficiency: Fewer sites with no enrollments

  • Complexity: Complex outcomes and endpoints (+digital) and complex technologies (data collection)

  • Technology: Telehealth, telemedicine, or patient portal opportunity for improved trial participant communication and data collection

Why use the decentralized CKD & Rare Disease Network?

With an established and wide-reaching network, we provide efficiency, access, and patient diversity for CKD trials. Learn more about our decentralized model and find out how we can support your clinical study.

  • Reduce clinical trial cycle time

  • Lower trial costs by eliminating sites without patients

  • Expand physician database

  • Ensure faster enrollment

  • Access real-time data more quickly with remote monitoring

  • Enhance efficiency via just-in-time start-up and improved workflows
  • Improve patient diversity

  • Enhance patient retention and compliance with higher patient engagement and improved patient experience

  • Access untapped, diverse patient populations
    •  153 CKD-EHR Practices, 607 Licensed Providers, DCR central support team
  • Benefit from technology-enabled patient recruitment and study conduct